Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sparkling Peach Splash

A Google search for vegan peach schnapps actually turned up a hit when I didn't expect one - Archers Peach Schnapps. Alas, I quickly learned that it was made in Britain and not for sale in the U.S. I wasn't about to let that stop me, so I found a British online liquor store that would ship to the States... yes, I really did. If you don't want to shell out for overseas shipping, however, and you don't mind the possibility that the added sugar in your peach schnapps might not be vegan, Hiram Walker's peach schnapps is a good alternative.

For this yummy drink, combine 1 cup peeled and chopped peaches in a blender with 1/4 cup peach schnapps and 1 tablespoon lime juice. Puree until smooth, then freeze for 1 hour.

Pour a split of champagne (one of the little 375-ml bottles) into a bowl, and stir in the peach puree. Ladle 3/4 cup into each of 4 champagne flutes for 4 cocktails of 140 calories each. Garnish each with a peach slice, if you like, for a pretty presentation.

Note: for the champagne, I chose a delicious one from the Chartogne-Taillet producer, which is categorized as organic and vegan on a few wine websites.

peaches $1.16
peach schnapps (I paid a little more than 11 pounds, so about $19.50 - but you don't want to know what I paid in shipping!)
lime $0.33
Champagne $29.39

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