Friday, August 21, 2009

Melon Balls with Port

This simple, light dessert is perfect for summer. I found two organic brands of port that I recommend: Casal dos Jordoes (certified vegan) and Quinta do Infantado - whichever brand you choose, you'll want a ruby port for this dessert.

Combine 1 cup ruby port and 1 tablespoon raw sugar in a saucepan; bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes (it should be reduced to about a half cup). Let cool. The recipe didn't specify how much to cool it, but I'd say mine was a tad warmer than room temperature.

Add a dash of salt and a dash of cardamom, stirring to combine. Stir in 6 cups cantaloupe balls (about 2 cantaloupe) and 2 teaspoons chopped mint. Cover and chill for 1 hour before serving.

You'll definitely want to enlist the aid of a melon baller for this recipe. I had never used one before, and confess my balls came out lopsided and a little square more often than not, but it was fun to try!

You'll have 6, one-cup servings of 130 calories each.

ruby port $16.32
cantaloupe $5.98
mint $1.99

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