Friday, May 21, 2010

Strawberries Romanoff

There are several legends concerning the origin of this simple dessert, but one attributes it to a French chef who invented it for the Russian aristocracy. It's a great way to use fresh strawberries!

In a bowl, combine 3 cups quartered strawberries with 3 tablespoons raw sugar and 3 tablespoons Cointreau. (Cointreau, an-orange-flavored liqueur, makes the cut on several online listings of vegan spirits). Cover and chill for 1/2 an hour.

For the next step, I experimented a little, since the original recipe called for whipping cream. The makers of Silk point out that their soy creamer won't whip up like dairy cream will, but I never believe anything until I try it for myself. Unfortunately, it turned out to be true (although I would be curious about adding Ener-G egg replacer to the soy cream...)

For tonight, however, I turned to my back up plan; in a bowl, gently fold 3 tablespoons organic powdered sugar into 1/4 cup canned vegan whipped cream (such as Soyatoo).

Dollop one tablespoon of this 'whipped cream' over 3/4 cup of the strawberries for 4 servings of 140 calories each.

strawberries $3.00
Cointreau $3.50
plain soy creamer $1.99

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