Monday, January 4, 2010

Cranberry Liqueur

I actually started this recipe three weeks ago! It felt more like a science experiment than a culinary one, but is quite fun.

Combine 2 cups raw sugar and 1 cup water in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves (about 5 minutes) - the original recipe said to stir constantly, though I confess to stirring "frequently."

Meanwhile, place a 12-ounce package of fresh cranberries in a food processor and process until finely chopped. Work in batches if your food processor is small like mine.

Combine the sugar mixture and the cranberries in a large bowl and stir in 3 cups of vodka (I used Absolut). Pour the mixture into jars with tightly secured lids (look for these in kitchen stores or hardware stores). Place in a cool dark place (like a cupboard) and let stand for 3 weeks, shaking every other day - I found it useful to leave myself a note when it was a day to shake, lest I forget!

3 weeks later, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth-lined sieve into a bowl; discard the solids. I actually did away with the cheesecloth, since I have a very-fine mesh sieve. Pour the liqueur into bottles or jars. It will keep refrigerated or at room temperature for up to a year, and can become your new house drink to offer guests!

1/4 cup of liqueur is 200 calories.

vegan sugar $3.99
fresh cranberries $2.50

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