Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pimm's Cup

I am making this yummy cocktail to celebrate the move into my new apartment! The base is Pimm's No. 1, a British gin-based liquor. You should be able to find it pretty easily at any state-side liquor store though! I found a few recipes using Pimm's on other vegan websites, so hopefully that means whatever they mix in with the gin is vegan as well.

Fill 4 tall glasses with ice cubes. In each glass, pour 3 tablespoons Pimm's No. 1, 1/2 cup ginger ale (an all-natural version to try is R.W. Knudsen's ginger ale spritzer), and 1/3 cup sparkling water.

Cut 4 lemon slices from a lemon. Cut a medium cucumber in half lengthwise, and then each of those halves lengthwise again, so you have 4 cucumber spears. Place one lemon slice and one cucumber spear in each glass, and serve!

Each cocktail is 150 calories.

Pimm's No. 1 $27.21
ginger ale $3.98
sparkling water $1.99
lemon $0.59
cucumber $0.50

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