Monday, July 27, 2009

Corn and Sun-Dried Tomato Quesadilla with 'Smoked Mozzarella'

Because this little quesadilla is a perfect portion for one, and is equally delicious warm or cold, it makes a great portable lunch for work. Simply double or quadruple the quantities as desired to serve more people. Use any vegan mozzarella in this recipe - the one from Galaxy Foods or Vegan Gourmet are both great - or even try the 'Monterey Jack' from Vegan Gourmet.

Start by heating a large skillet over medium-high heat; coat with cooking spray and add 1/3 cup corn kernels. Saute for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally - the kernels should be lightly browned. You can use fresh or frozen corn here (thaw the latter, first), but this time of year, it seems sacrilegious not to use a fresh ear!

Remove the corn from the skillet and place in a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon chopped red onion, 1 and 1/2 teaspoons sun-dried tomato flakes, 1/8 tsp. salt and 1/8 tsp. black pepper to the skillet; saute for about 1 minute, then add to the corn.

I know sun-dried tomato flakes exist, but I had the hardest time tracking them down (I went to no fewer than 7 grocery stores!) Another option that works just as well, however, is to chop a sun-dried tomato (packed without oil) very finely to equal 1 and 1/2 teaspoons.

Wipe down the skillet with paper towels (a step I forgot...) and return to the burner, still over medium-high heat. Re-coat with cooking spray. Drizzle 1/4 tsp. olive oil over one side of a 6-inch corn tortilla. Place another 6-inch corn tortilla atop the first and rub them together so the olive oil is evenly distributed. Place one tortilla, coated-side down, on the skillet. Top with 2 tablespoons shredded vegan cheese, then with the corn mixture, then with 2 more tablespoons 'cheese', and finally, with the second tortilla, coated-side up.

Cook for 2 minutes on each side. Don't worry if you're not a flipping expert, and a little bit of the filling falls out while you flip the quesadilla over - this certainly happened to me, but its easy to slide the renegade bits of corn back inside.

Remove the tortilla from the skillet and cut into 4 wedges. The whole quesadilla makes a serving for one person of 260 calories.

corn $1.00
red onion $0.37
sun-dried tomatoes (without oil) $3.99
corn tortillas $0.99
vegan mozzarella $3.39

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