Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Insalata Pizzas

These cute individual topped pitas make a great quick dinner.

Place 4 (6-inch pitas) on a baking sheet - I used the whole wheat pitas from The Baker. Sprinkle each with 1/2 tsp. minced garlic (you can used bottled minced garlic as a time saver, but I chopped up a couple cloves at home). Next top each with 1/4 cup shredded vegan mozzarella (such as Galaxy Foods) and divide 1/2 cup thinly sliced Vidalia onion evenly among the pitas.

Bake at 475 degrees for 8 minutes.

While the pitas are in the oven, combine 1 tablespoon cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons olive oil and 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper in a large bowl, stirring with a whisk. Stir in 1 cup quartered grape tomatoes, 1/4 cup chopped and pitted kalamata olives and 2 tablespoons chopped basil. Add 4 cups gourmet salad greens and toss to coat.

Place one cup of the salad mixture on top of each pita. One topped 'pizza' is 320 calories. These are best served immediately - careful though! The pita crust is quite crunchy after its stint in the oven, and I actually cut my lip a little - oops.

pitas $1.99
vegan mozzarella $3.39
Vidalia onion $1.13
grape tomatoes $1.99
basil $1.29
gourmet salad greens $3.00

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