Thursday, October 16, 2008

'Honey'-Roasted Root Vegetables

Don't use honey for this dish of course - use its vegan cousin, agave nectar!

In a large bowl, combine 2 cups of chopped, peeled sweet potato (about one large), one and a half cups chopped, peeled turnip, one and a half cups chopped, peeled parsnip, one and a half cups chopped, peeled carrot, 1/4 cup of agave nectar (in place of tupelo honey), 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 tsp. salt and 3 halved shallots. Toss well to coat the vegetables.

Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray, and place in the oven at 450 degrees for 35 minutes, until the vegetables are tender - stir every 15 minutes or so.

1/2 a cup of vegetables is 120 calories. Try this alongside stuffed acorn squash or a bowl of soup!

sweet potato $1.08
turnip $1.04
parsnip $1.60 (inexact figure; I lost my receipt for these)
carrot $0.93
olive oil $9.99
shallots $0.68

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