Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Golden Smashed Potatoes

Since this is the third potato dish I've done this month, you can probably guess that it's root veggie season. Here's another variation on the good old potato:

Cut one and 1/4 pounds of Yukon gold potatoes (about 3 or 4) into quarters. Place in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil, then cook for 15 minutes until tender. Drain and return to the pan.

While the potatoes cook, heat a teaspoon and a half of olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Add 1/2 a teaspoon of mustard seeds and cook for 1 to 2 minutes until they begin to "pop" - you'll literally see them start jumping.

Add 1/2 a cup of plain soy milk (such as Silk), 1 tablespoon of maple syrup, and 1/4 tsp. turmeric (which lends itself to the word "golden" in this recipe's title). Simmer for ten minutes until the soy milk mixture is reduced to a quarter cup.

Add the soy milk mixture to the potatoes in the pan, along with 1/4 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. black pepper. Mash with a fork or potato masher. One cup of potatoes makes a side serving of 220 calories. These are best served immediately.

Yukon gold potatoes $2.31
soy milk $1.69

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