Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tangy Ginger Dipping Sauce

You can try this versatile condiment in a number of ways - think Chinese dumplings, spring rolls, or over grilled tofu slices. I often don't trust the sauces that come from restaurants that aren't strictly vegan; Asian cuisines especially rely heavily on fish sauce or oyster sauce. However, if you make this sauce at home, you get to dip away!

In a bowl, combine 1/2 cup chopped, peeled tomato, 1/3 cup chopped green onions, 1/4 cup fresh-squeezed lime juice, 1/4 cup rice vinegar, a tablespoon and a half raw sugar, 2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger, 2 chopped garlic cloves, and one jalapeno pepper, chopped and seeded.

You'll have about a cup, one tablespoon of which is 20 calories.

Don't forget to use the great trick for peeling a tomato if you make this recipe. Simply score an X on the bottom of the tomato with a knife. Place in boiling water for 30 seconds to one minute, then plunge in ice water to stop the cooking process. The skin will slip right off.

tomato $1.26
green onions $0.99
limes $1.50
ginger $0.56
jalapeno $0.12

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