Monday, August 18, 2008

Papaya-Carrot Slaw

An easy summer side dish for alongside a dinner or a picnic lunch.

Simply combine one cup shredded papaya, 1/2 cup shredded carrot, and 1/2 cup red bell pepper slices in a medium bowl. It was easy to finely slice red pepper slices and easier still to buy pre-shredded carrot, but I was a bit confused as to how one shreds a papaya. Luckily, I found the coolest instructive video online. Watch it here:

If that seems too complicated, peel a papaya and cut in half. Very thinly slice it with a knife.

To the papaya mixture, add one tablespoon grated, peeled ginger, 1 teaspoon grated lime rind, 2 tablespoons lime juice, 1/4 tsp. salt and a 1/4 tsp. pepper. Toss to combine; cover and chill until ready to serve.

1/2 cup is 30 calories - you'll have about 4 servings of that size.

papaya $3.36
pre-shredded carrot $1.79
red bell pepper $1.18
limes $1.50

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