Friday, April 18, 2008

Quick Edamame and Orange Rice

As the name of the recipe states, this meal comes together quickly. Since every recipe I make is new to me on the day of, I never quite know what I'm going to get, and I have to admit, this one felt a little incoherent to me, as if the ingredients didn't quite mesh. But at the end of it all, the taste worked!

Heat a teaspoon and a half of canola oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add 3/4 cup thinly sliced celery, 1/2 cup sliced green onions and 1/2 cup julienne-cut red peppers to the skillet, and saute for one minute. Turn the heat to low while you add: one and a 1/2 cups of cooked brown rice (you can do this step ahead of time - start with about 3/4 cup of dried brown rice to get the proper yield). Also add 1/2 cup frozen, shelled edamame (thawed), 1/4 cup of cashews, 2 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce, 1/2 tsp sesame oil, a dash of pepper and one small, peeled orange cut into sections.

The main vegan note here is on the teriyaki sauce. I scrutenized the ingredient list of every different bottle in the Asian section of Whole Foods. Some had honey, one looked promising but had 'caramel color' and didn't state the source. The one from Premier Japan Organic, however, had the certified Vegan symbol right on the label. Sold! Here's a link to order it:

As for the oranges, if you look at my picture and they seem a little funny, well, they are. I didn't realize until I was home that my 'orange' boasted a sticker that said 'pink is the new orange' I'm not quite sure what genetic modifying is going on here, but umm, my orange was pink.

You'll get two servings from this recipe, about one and 3/4 cups each, and about 480 calories.

brown rice $1.20
green onion $1.49
red pepper $2.03
edamame, frozen $2.69
cashews $5.99
teriyaki sauce $4.39
orange (pink?) $1.33

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