Friday, April 4, 2008

Pear-Pecan Haroset

It’s Friday night, so I’m not cooking a dinner, more of an hors d’oeuvres spread. This is actually adapted from a haroset recipe, but I thought it would make a great condiment over some table water crackers.

Shred one cup golden delicious apple and half a cup pear, and combine in a bowl. I don’t own the proper tools for shredding, so I made do by slicing away strips with my vegetable peeler. You could also use the shredding attachment of a food processor if your kitchen is that decked out.

Add a teaspoon of lemon juice, half a tsp. of vanilla extract, and half a tsp. of agave nectar. Agave nectar, as I mentioned once before, makes the perfect vegan substitute for honey. I’ve even found, since I cut honey out of my diet, that I prefer this new version! It’s slightly less viscous, and thus easier to pour from measuring spoons, and the flavor is comparable in terms of sweetness. Try it in tea as well.

Back to the recipe, chop up pecans very finely to equal two tablespoons, and add this to your mixture gently. Refrigerate it in an air-tight container for two hours before serving. Keep your leftover pecans in the fridge as well – they go bad faster than other nuts, but until they do, they’re a delicious vegan snack.

The whole recipe yields just over a cup, or 300 calories worth.

golden delicious apple $1.12
bartlett pear $1.22
pecans $6.99

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