Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lemon-Coconut-Almond Haroset

I cook so much that every once in a while I need a night to just eat leftovers! But for the sake of making something, here's another haroset recipe that works just as deliciously as a "fruit salad" for dessert.

In a bowl, combine 2 teaspoons raw sugar (remember my note on refined sugar and how it's not vegan - animal bones - eew!), 1/2 tsp grated lemon rind, and one and a half teaspoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Add one and a half cups peeled, cored and chopped gala apples, and 1/2 a cup peeled, cored, chopped granny smith apple, and toss to coat. Gently add in a 1/4 cup coarsely chopped almonds and two and a quarter teaspoons dried coconut. I already had on hand a package of slivered almonds, which made this step even easier, plus make a great snack any time. As for the coconut, I used Let's Do Organic's unsweetened organic shredded coconut. Although I can't possibly fathom a reason why coconut wouldn't be vegan, my package had the certified Vegan sticker on it, so hey, no complaints from me.

here's some other cool stuff the company offers: http://www.edwardandsons.com/let_do_organic.html

Enjoy one cup of the haroset "dessert" for 200 calories.

lemon $0.79
gala apple $1.32
granny smith apple $1.35

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